Interesting use of words and technology

Wordle: Untitled Courtesy of Here is a small example of a wordle created with a sonnet from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. This site would be a great tool for students to use in class and at home. I thought they could use it with Shakespeare's texts as it draws out particular words in a creative way. This would help with the students finding ladders or meaning in the text and helping with understanding.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Reflective Synopsis Blog Posting

After embarking on an Information Communication and Technology (ICT) for Learning Design journey over the past two months, I have discovered the importance of ICTS in classrooms of today. ICTS are effective in engaging students into their learning and they also provide an avenue for learning managers to make their teaching more efficient. Over the course I have selected and experimented with a range of technologies that would be useful in classrooms and have studied certain conceptual frameworks that work as the backbone for these technologies. One of these frameworks is Kearsley & Shneiderman's, "Engagement Theory". (1999, pg. 1)
It is "intended to be a conceptual framework for technology-based learning and teaching." (1999, pg. 1)

It has come to my attention that teachers in classrooms could be described more often nowadays as a learning facilitator or a "knowledge manager". (2001, pg. 6) Through the use of ICTS in class, learning managers can facilitate their students learning and needs. This will promote the students involvement in their learning as well as allow tasks that are relevant for students. To see more of my investigations into student centred learning and how education has changed nowadays please see my posts:

"Technology provides an electronic learning mileux that fosters the kind of creativity and communication needed to nourish engagement." (1999, pg. 5) This notion is very important. Through reference to my own personal blog in which I have developed as part of my journey you will learn more about some specific technologies that help with engaging students and teaching efficiency.

Blogging has become a term that I am most familiar with after engaging in this journey. After creating this Blog I have found that Blogging is an effective tool to express ideas, display pictures and videos, reflect on your learning and view and comment on the work of your peers. Having a publicly accessable blog has been effective for my own learning as I have been able to track my own journey and clarify ideas by seeing others work. Following other blogs have helped me see others perspectives and professional discourse to enhance my own learning. Blogs would be effective for students of all ages for many different reasons. To see ideas relating to blogs in the classroom see my post:

Technology can provide an immediate source of knowledge in the classroom. This can be provided by having the internet accessible in the room to search on Google or look up videos on You Tube or Teacher Tube to answer questions or to model certain concepts. This efficiency helps the learning manager access information quickly. Through personal communication and practise with my mentor teacher I have learnt that this is an effective tool, as neally every class we have had for English we have shown You Tube videos to model for example Fairytales. The students are engaged as it is an exciting visual and auditory learning experience for them and relevant to the world they live in. Another source I discovered from my University lecturer in class was a site called This source provides a way students can use words and technology to provide engagement and meanings in text. To see an example of this please see main page of my blog at the top. It is a snapshot of a Wordle that I have created using Shakespearian text and an interesting way to display text. I have become aware more of certain sites through communication that will expand my ICT knowledge and aid in my teaching.

Powerpoint presentations are an ICT tool that values simplicity. Evidently, in my practicum at highschool and my own learning at University I can value this tool as an effective instructional means to incorporate into a lesson. They are great for visual and auditory learners and not to mention the efficiency they provide for teachers. To see more information and communication involving powerpoint presentations please see my post:

Through the use of technology learning managers can pave the way for engaging their students into an authentic learning experience. They need to "contruct tasks that are authentic, that is, related to life outside of school or in the workplace. Students who clearly see the relevance and use of tasks are more likely to be engaged in them." (1997, pg. 31) This also aids in promoting life long learning and "positive attidudes and perceptions about classroom tasks". (1997, pg. 29)

One way of creating authentic learning experiences is through the framework of Kearsley and Schneiderman's, "Relate - Create - Donate" (1999, pg. 1) theory. This theory works well alongside the use of ICTS in the classroom. An example of this is the use of Wikis. I have discovered that Wikis are an effective tool in working alongside this theory. Wikis allow group interaction where students can design, plan and change their project via a Wiki at home and school which also encourages ownership over their work and allows more engagement. For examples of Wikis and more investigations please see my post:

Vokis are another technology that I believe would work well in engaging students into their learning experiences. They could be used as an eye-catching hook for a lesson or students could create their own in class and share with their peers. Instead of writing information from a textbook you could design the Voki to speak it to the students which would be much more engaging. Conversations and more ideas for the use of Vokis can be seen via my post:
There is also a Voki I have created to introduce my Blog to also give you an example.

Throughout our e-learning journey we were introduced to e-portfolios via a Mahara site. This type of portfolio aids in our professional discourse for life long learning and provides a way in which we can display particular views to share with others. This would be effective for our students in class aswell as they could submit their assignments online. This provides an avenue for them to become familiar with online discourse and to prepare them for their future learning and job seeking.

Now that I am in the implementing stage of my own learning journey I look forward to incorporating these new technologies that I have delved into for my classes. When planning my learning experience plans I will use the "Engagement Theory" (1999, pg. 1) as the backdrop for my design to aid in student centred learning. I have discovered also that technology is not only for engaging the student but to aid in the efficiency of my teaching and to make my life as a learning manager easier.


Heath, G. (2001). Teacher Education and the New Knowledge Environment. Fremantle: RMIT University. Retrieved March 2010 from the World Wide Web:

Kearsley, G & Schneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A Framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved March 2010 from the World Wide Web:

Marzano, R & Pickering D. (1997). Dimensions of Learning - Teacher's Manual. Colorado: McREL

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